"When I stand before God at the end of my life" I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left and could say " I used everything you gave me.
Author: Erma Bombeck
Erma liked books before she could read them. When she was 10 years old she wanted to write stories for the school newspaper. At age 13 she wrote funny columns for the school newspaper, two years later she began working for the Dayton Herold. Shirley Temple Visited Dayton, Ohio and Erma interviewed her and it was one of the article in the newspaper
In 1965 her article went national and she became a well known writer. In 1985 her three columns were published in the US and Canada by 900 newspapers.
When Erma was only 20 years old in 1947, she had a hereditary disorder called polycystic kidney disease. Knowing she could have kidney failure never stopped her from having a successful life. Erma had a mastectomy in 1991 when she had breast cancer, within two years she had to start kidny dialysis from home four times a day. She received a kidney transplant on April 4, 1996 and on April 22,1996 Erma passed away due to complications from the kidney transplant. With all of her writing talents she did not have a single bit of talent left. She had used everything God had given her.
This quote makes a very good remark and applies to everyone. I want to be able in my life to continue using all of my abilities and talents I have learned over the years of my life to apply them to everything I do whether it be at work, church, or anywhere else I might be during the rest of my life.
I really like your quote. I know exactly how you feel, so much wasted talent in so many lives. Good job!
ReplyDeleteI really like this quote and hope I use my talents to the fullest as well. So many people go through life wasting talents and at the end wish they hadn't wasted them.
ReplyDeletethis was a great paper it had good points and it keep me interested
ReplyDeleteI hope that when I die one day or i am close to it, I can say that I used my talents to my fullest abitility and that I don't Have any regrets. Very good quote, it relates to how you should be or how you want to be. Great Job!
ReplyDeleteI like that its very thoughful.